NASA Mengubah Warna Foto Mars!

[Image: 1979viking.jpg]

Penyelidikan yang dilakukan para peneliti muda yang tergabung dalam Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) menunjukkan beberapa indikasi bahwa NASA DENGAN SENGAJA mengubah warna citra image yang dipublikasikan. Foto yang tadinya terlihat seperti lingkungan planet Bumi (!) diubah menjadi planet merah yang ganas dan berdebu.

[Image: MARS_ROVER.sff_RS103_20040110150347.jpg]

Lho kok NASA membuatnya jadi gini?:
[Image: PIA05036.jpg]

[Image: capt.rs10401102014.mars_rover_rs104.jpg]

Dari konferensi pers tersebut, para peneliti JPL memperlihatkan gambar bahwa lingkungan planet Mars adalah padang pasir berwarna salmon dengan langit biru! Untuk apa NASA mengubahnya menjadi warna merah menyala?
Kemudian menurut JPL, kenapa NASA dengan sengaja memblur(kabur)-kan foto yang tadinya tajam dan jelas demi alasan ilmiah?

[Image: kl_zoomin.jpg]

Buram amat:
[Image: nasa_zoomin.jpg]

Berikutnya JPL menambahkan dalam konferensi pers-nya bahwa: "di permukaan tanah, temperatur berkisar antara 5 derajat Celcius hingga -15 derajat Celcius (bisa ditinggali manusia?)". Namun site NASA berbeda, mereka menyebutnya -70 derajat Celcius hingga -5 derajat Celcius. Siapa yang benar?

Apakah motif NASA melakukan itu ada hubungannya dengan cuplikan foto permukaan Mars yang ini (difoto dari atas)?

[Image: dome_on_mars.jpg]
Foto tersebut diperoleh di Planet Mars dari ketinggian Spacecraft Altitude 408.92 km: Latitude 37.22°, Longitude 27.80°, Resolution * 4.47 meters/pixel, Phase Angle 42.97°, Incidence Angle 42.87°
Emission Angle 0.17°, North Azimuth 93.70°, Slant Range (km) 408.92.
Terlalu sempurna untuk melihatnya sebagai kebetulan alam biasa, atau bekas tabrakan meteor.

Kesimpulan: NASA menyembunyikan sesuatu dari kita...
Semoga bermanfaat!

Yogic Flying

A Story of Flight - A story recorded in the Sungkao-seng chuan. Ying-fung was a Ch'an monk who had received instruction from Ch'an master Nan-chuan. From his meditative practice, Ying-fung attained some supernatural powers. Once he saw two armies fighting each other. In order to stop the fight, he flew over the battlefield and the soldiers were too busy looking at him flying to fight. He did many unusual things like this. To show his miraculous power, he died standing on his head and nobody was able to overturn him. His sister was a nun, who came and scolded him, "Old brother, when you were alive you did not behave according to the rules. Now when you died, you still want to show off and confuse people." After saying this, she touched the body lighly, and it fell down immediately. (T.50, p.847a)

In 1984 a German film crew filmed* the levitation of an African witch-doctor, Nana Owaka, in Togo. After meditating for a full day, he placed dry leaves and twigs in a circle and sat in the middle.
Just as the sun was setting, Owaka started to stir. A villager lit the circle of twigs and flames shot up. Drums began beating wildly – then we were hardly able to believe our eyes as Owaka stood and rose straight upward! It was as if he were being lifted on a pillow of air. He simply hung as if suspended, with nothing above or below him.
After about a minute, Owaka fell back to earth. He was filmed from two angles, and no one who has examined the film has been able to detect any signs of trickery.
* This film is on the internet on Youtube I believe, either way though you can see it on my video website at Just click on any word in the tag cloud on the lower left of my page and then look to the lower left of the next page for "levitation" I have 4 videos there.

Witness to Levitation by Anonomous - When I was growing up in the 1970s, my parents, somewhat hippies at the time, became followers of a guru after learning meditation. Now they stayed this way for several years, although this wasn't like a cult religion with communes or anything. But I remember seeing something that intrigues me to this day.
There was this man and his son, who had traveled India and Nepal from guru to guru attaining different disciplines and practices. I recall the name of his son as Jaoquin. Anyway, this kid wasn't westernized in the least, although American, I assume, at least by birth. He had rarely ever seen cartoons, which as a kid I thought strange. Never heard of Kiss, the rock group, which was really unusual for guys at that age. Basically, seemed to have lived a very cloistered life.
My parents used to go to an ashram, and while they were listening to other speakers, us kids would usually just go out and get ice cream or whatever in the area. One night, it was this man who volunteered to take us out and then over to his house where he was staying. There was his son Jaoquin, my younger sister and I.
Here's what I recall. We went into his backyard where they had a telescope set up. His father pointed it toward the planet Mars and we took turns looking through it. He told us about a dark spot on the planet that they focus on that can make them do something remarkable, but at that point we didn't know what. Then we went inside into their strangely empty house and hung out for a bit. This man let us know that what they were doing required a lot of concentration, so they needed some quiet, regardless of what happens. So we agreed and just sat around to watch whatever was going to happen. Then he turned to us and said that he was going to float. So I was like, okay, go ahead. The man faced the wall, folded his hands in front of him and stood in concentration. Then he began to teeter slightly back and forth, then his feet lifted off the ground as he carefully wiggled his toes underneath to tell whether he was off the carpet on not (or maybe to tell how far up). Granted it was no more than an inch or so, but he eventually rose higher to approximately six inches and was in fact floating.
When he got to this height, he held his hand out to the wall to stabilize himself and then drifted down. I remember being quite amazed and then it was Jaoquin's turn. His father stood behind him as if to help if he was to fall or something and sure enough the boy rose off the ground about six to eight inches.
Later when I asked how it was done, his father simply told me that on the surface of the planet Mars there is a whirlpool that can, I suppose, lift people up when they connect to it and concentrate it.
Now there are a lot of stories on this site that may or may not be true but this one is real, I assure you. Now I myself have tried this a few times and what I get is a teetering back and forth thing with a sense of lightness in my body, but it does seem to do something strange. I get a sensation of smoothly lifting upward, but I can't get off the ground. I always sense like I am falling forward, which makes me nervous and totally breaks my focus. This is a true story, but there are secrets to it I have yet to figure out. But please let me attest to this as an actual witness of this, human levitation is a real phenomenon. They did levitate but the bit about Mars isn't true in that there is no place there that has such an effect, rather it is the belief they have that makes the levitation possible with their meditational practice.

There are reports of over 200 Christian saints levitating or flying – usually involuntarily – during religious raptures, and some of these cases are supported by an impressive amount of eyewitness testimony.

For instance, the 16th-century mystic St Teresa of Avila (d.1582) was observed on many occasions, typically when deep in prayer, to rise anywhere from a few feet to as high as the ceiling of the room. When she felt an 'attack' coming on she would beg the sisters in her convent to hold her down, though they were not always successful. Once while receiving Holy Communion from the Bishop of Avila, she felt her knees begin to leave the floor so she clutched onto the grille. But after receiving the sacrament, she let go and rose into the air.
She wrote a first hand account of her experiences in her autobiography. In her experience it came as a shock, quick and sharp, before you can collect your thoughts or help yourself in any way and you see and feel it as a cloud or as a strong eagle rising upward and carrying you away on its wings." Also: "It seemed to me… as if a great force beneath my feet lifted me up...I confess that it threw me into a great fear, for in seeing one's body thus lifted up from the earth, though the spirit draws it upwards after itself (and that with great sweetness if unresisted) the senses are not lost; at least I...was able to see that I was being lifted up...after the rapture was over, my body seemed frequently to be buoyant, as if all weight had departed from it."

A 17th century Franciscan monk St Joseph of Copertino began levitating during services and was often observed by whole congregations. Once while walking in the monastery grounds, he soared up into the branches of an olive tree and remained kneeling on a branch for half an hour, the thin stem hardly moving under his weight. Unable to glide down, after his ecstasy had passed, he had to wait for a ladder to be brought. For 35 years he was banned from all public services. He levitated before the Pope, his fellow monks, Europe's titled heads and the philosopher Leibnitz.
The Spanish ambassador to the papal court watched him fly over the heads of a crowd to a statue of the Virgin Mary, where he briefly hovered. After giving his customary shriek, he flew back; the ambassador's wife had to be revived with smelling salts. The duke of Brunswick hid himself in a stairway to observe one of Joseph's levitations. After observing a second levitation, the duke renounced his Lutheran faith and became a Catholic. At Osimo, Joseph flew eight feet into the air to kiss a statue of Jesus then carried it off to his cell and floated about with it. He is also reported to have caught up another friar and carried him in the air around the room.

The Sienese Nun Passitea Crogi who died in 1615, was seen traveling a considerable distance just above the ground.

18th Century St Adolphus Liguori who was raised into the air in front of a whole congretation in 1777

The annals of 19th-century spiritualism contain many references to human levitations, as well as to tables, chairs, and other objects gaining or losing weight, levitating, and moving without human contact.

Padre Pio (1887-1968), a humble Capuchin priest from San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, was blessed by God in many wonderful and mysterious ways. The most dramatic was the stigmata. Padre Pio bore the wounds of Christ for fifty years! Among his other gifts were perfume, bilocation, prophecy, conversion, reading of souls, and miraculous cures. People are still being cured through his intercession in ways that cannot be explained by medicine or science.
Padre Pio Levitates: Here is Padre Ascanio's story about that: - "We were waiting for Padre Pio who was coming to hear confessions of the penitents. The church was crowded and everybody watched the door through which Padre Pio would enter. The door stayed closed but suddenly I saw father Pio walking above the heads of the people, he reached the confessional, and then disappeared. After some minutes he started to receive the penitents. I didn't say anything, and I thought I was dreaming, but when I met him I asked him: "Father Pio, How did you manage to walk above the heads of the people?". He jokingly responded: "I can assure you, my child, it's just like walking on the floor... ".
Padre Pio Bilocates: A woman was sitting in the square of the church of the capuchins. The Church was closed. It was Late and she prayed with the thought, and she repeated with the heart: "Padre Pio, help me! Guardian Angel, please, go to tell father Pio to help me, otherwise my sister will die"! From the window above her Padre Pio's voice came: "Who is calling me at this time? What is the problem? The woman told about her sister's illness. Padre Pio went in bilocation, to the sick woman and healed her.
Here is a great site with much on Padre Pio's miraculous actions.

Syrian Carmelite, Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified who would sometimes be levitated into the treetops of the garden

Besides the "saints" there have been plenty of others. The magician Harry Kellar, who enjoyed showing audiences how mediums did their tricks, described how during a world tour in the 1870s he was watching a Zulu witch doctor go into a trance when suddenly "To my intense amazement, the recumbent body slowly arose from the ground and floated upward in the air to the height of about three feet, where for a while it floated, moving up and down."
In 1882 he challenged the medium William Eglinton to perform some feat which no conjuror could repeat. Eglinton then levitated, carrying Kellar, holding his feet, into the air – an achievement which Kellar had to admit he could not explain.

Italian medium Eusapia Paladino occasionally used to levitate and was also able to increase or decrease the weight of objects. Her paranormal powers were verified in investigations conducted by European scientists around the turn of the 20th century. After witnessing her demonstrations, the French astronomer Camille Flammarion stated that levitation should no longer be any more in question than the attraction of an iron by a magnet. I have much more information on her and her achievements (which are considerable). Click here to read the rest of the story.

In the 1920s Brazilian medium Carlos Mirabelli performed stunning phenomena under test conditions. Full-form materializations of deceased individuals known to the witnesses appeared, who were able to converse with the investigators, and to touch and be touched. He was also able to levitate and remain floating for minutes at a time. In one instance, a chair with Mirabelli in it rose into the air until it was two metres above the floor, where it remained for two minutes. Levitations of mediums have frequently been reported since then in spiritualist journals, some of these produced in fraud-proof conditions.

While traveling in Sikkim in the 1950s, American journalist John Keel met an old lama who demonstrated his ability to levitate. He ... pressed one hand on top of his stick, a heavy branch about four feet long, frowned a little with effort, and then slowly lifted his legs up off the floor until he was sitting cross-legged in the air! There was nothing behind him or under him. His sole support was his stick (picture), which he seemed to use to keep his balance. I was astounded. The lama then conducted the rest of the conversation 'sitting there in empty space'.

A 12th century Iranian dervish by the name of Haydar was noted for his sudden flights to tree and rooftops.

Roman historian Palladius saw the levitation of a child with his own eyes. He says that the boy rose and remained suspended in the air for some time.

A fakir by the name of Covindasamy was seen to levitate twice by a French Official and travel-writer in India, Louis Jacolliot. They were done in broad daylight and one of them was on the terrace of his home and lasted 10 minutes.

A Yogi's description of his levitation experience:
From Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda
Pgs. 320 and 321 After I had finished writing this chapter, I sat on my bed in the lotus posture. My room was dimly lit by two shaded lamps. Lifting my gaze, I noticed that the ceiling was dotted with small mustard-colored lights, scintillating and quivering with a radium like luster. Myriads of penciled rays, like sheets of rain, gathered into a transparent shaft and poured silently upon me.

At once my physical body lost its grossness and became metamorphosed into astral texture. I felt a floating sensation as, barely touching the bed, the weightless body shifted slightly and alternatively to left and right. I looked around the room; the furniture and walls were as usual, but the little mass of light had so multiplied that the ceiling was invisible. I was wonder-struck.

"This is the cosmic motion-picture mechanism." A Voice spoke as though from within the light. "Shedding its beam on the white screen of your bed sheets, it is producing the picture of your body. Behold, your form is nothing but light!"

I gazed at my arms and moved them back and forth, yet could not feel their weight. Ecstatic joy overwhelmed me. The cosmic stem of light, blossoming as my body, seemed a divine reproduction of the light beams that stream out of the projection booth in a cinema house and make manifest the pictures on the screen.

For a long time I experienced this motion picture of my body in the faintly lit theater of my own bedroom. Though I have has many visions, none was ever more singular. As the illusion of a solid body was completely dissipated, and as my realization deepened that the essence of all objects is light, I looked up to the throbbing stream of lifetrons and spoke entreatingly.

"Divine Light, please withdrew this, my humble bodily picture, into Thyself; even as Elijah was drawn up to the heaven in a chariot of flame."

This prayer was evidently startling; the beam disappeared. My body resumed its normal weight and sank on the bed ; the swarm of dazzling ceiling lights flickered and vanished. My time to leave this earth had apparently not arrived.

beside is a fellow in Amsterdam who while still a little trepidatatious about the people around him still manages to levitate himself considerably off the ground. His bamboo rod is a device he uses to gather the energies (the prana or universal life force) thats all around him, into himself. The rod, while not necessary to levitate (as you can see from the pictures below) has been used commonly amongst yogi's, witch doctors, shamen and the like for centuries if not thousands of years.

Source :

Portal to Maya Underworld Found in Mexico?

Alexis Okeowo in México City
for National Geographic News
August 22, 2008

A labyrinth filled with stone temples and pyramids in 14 caves—some underwater—have been uncovered on Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, archaeologists announced last week.

The discovery has experts wondering whether Maya legend inspired the construction of the underground complex—or vice versa.

Archeologists in Mayan temple cave

Archaeologists Victoria Rojas (front) and Lara Hindersten (back) work at a site in the village of Tahtzibichen, in Mérida, the capital of Mexico's Yucatán state, on April 12, 2008.

Mexican archaeologists announced in August the discovery of a maze of stone temples in underground caves, some submerged in water and containing human bones.

Ancient Mayas likely considered the construction a portal for dead souls to pass into the underworld, scholars say.

* Earliest Maya Writing Found in Guatemala, Researchers Say (January 5, 2006)
* The Rise and Fall of the Maya in Geographic Magazine (August 2007)
* Ancient Maya Tomb Yields "Amazing" Fabrics (April 25, 2008)

According to Maya myth, the souls of the dead had to follow a dog with night vision on a horrific and watery path and endure myriad challenges before they could rest in the afterlife.

In one of the recently found caves, researchers discovered a nearly 300-foot (90-meter) concrete road that ends at a column standing in front of a body of water.

"We have this pattern now of finding temples close to the water—or under the water, in this most recent case," said Guillermo de Anda, lead investigator at the research sites.

"These were probably made as part of a very elaborate ritual," de Anda said. "Everything is related to death, life, and human sacrifice."

Stretching south from southern Mexico, through Guatemala, and into northern Belize, the Maya culture had its heyday from about A.D. 250 to 900, when the civilization mysteriously collapsed.

(Read about the watery graves of the Maya in National Geographic magazine.)

Myth and Reality

Archaeologists excavating the temples and pyramids in the village of Tahtzibichen, in Mérida, the capital of Yucatán state, said the oldest item they found was a 1,900-year-old vessel. Other uncovered earthenware and sculptures dated to A.D. 750 to 850.

"There are stones, huge columns, and sculptures of priests in the caves," said de Anda, whose team has been working on the Yucatán Peninsula for six months.

"There are also human remains and ceramics," he said.

Researchers said the ancient legend—described in part in the sacred book Popul Vuh—tells of a tortuous journey through oozing blood, bats, and spiders, that souls had to make in order to reach Xibalba, the underworld.

"Caves are natural portals to other realms, which could have inspired the Mayan myth. They are related to darkness, to fright, and to monsters," de Anda said, adding that this does not contradict the theory that the myth inspired the temples.

William Saturno, a Maya expert at Boston University, believes the maze of temples was built after the story.

"I'm sure the myths came first, and the caves reaffirmed the broad time-and-space myths of the Mayans," he said.

Underworld Entrances

Saturno said the discovery of the temples underwater indicates the significant effort the Maya put into creating these portals.

In addition to plunging deep into the forest to reach the cave openings, Maya builders would have had to hold their breath and dive underwater to build some of the shrines and pyramids.

Other Maya underworld entrances have been discovered in jungles and aboveground caves in northern Guatemala Belize.

"They believed in a reality with many layers," Saturno said of the Maya. "The portal between life and where the dead go was important to them."

Source : National Geographic; repost :

The Story of the Star of David

The Star of David or Shield of David (Magen David in Hebrew, מָגֵן דָּוִד with nikkud or מגן דוד without, academically transcribed Māḡēn Dāwīḏ by Biblical Hebrew linguists, pronounced {ma’gen da’vid] in modern Hebrew and Mogein Dovid [ˈmɔɡeɪn ˈdɔvid] or Mogen Dovid [ˈmɔɡen ˈdɔvid] in Ashkenazi Hebrew and Yiddish. It is a generally recognized symbol of Jewish identity and Judaism and is named after King David of ancient Israel.

The “six pointed star” is simply the seal of Da’ud, employing two “daleths”, the beginning and ending letter in the king’s name.The seal of Da’ud is not a “religious” symbol of any kind, according to historical use and the orthodox “rabbi” Kolatch in his “Jewish Book.

In ancient Hebrew, Israels’ king’s name was spelled: DALET-UAU-DALET (three letters). The original shape of the Hebrew letter “dalet” is a simple triangle, and signified a “door” (as to a shepherd’s tent). The name of a king was an important item, and was commonly used as a seal, just as the seal of the presidency of the United States serves to do the same today for the office of the president. It serves the purpose of a “mark” or sign indicating the owner’s authority or sovereignty.

Some critics state that if you examine the “Star of David,” or hexagram, closely, you will discover it has six points, forms six equilateral triangles, and in its interior forms a six sided hexagon — thus it reveals the number of Satan the devil, or the beast of Revelation — 66, and 6 — 666.

However, the Star of David is a little more complex than that. It can actually be constructed with just two triangles, or six triangles and one hexagon, which equals seven shapes, not six! Interestingly, the Star of David contains a total of twenty-four points and sides if the sides and points of all six triangles, plus the six sides and points of the center hexagon are counted. (American, May 9, 2008 -

Interestingly, it seems that all 24 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are also found in the Star of David:

Scholars both within and without Israel admit that the seal of Da’ud [Star of David or, in the Hebrew, "Maguen David" (literally, Shield of David)] is NOT a “religious” symbol in any way, nor does not have its roots in paganism. Although it was adopted in the Middle Ages as a magical symbol, it was originally a purely decorative geometric design exclusive to no particular culture or religion. As with many things, it’s the use of symbols that really matters. But this doesn’t mar the original item in the least.

Nonetheless, since it has now come to be associated with the modern nation of Israel and/or Judaism, one should exercise discretion in wearing this symbol. In other words, it is a national emblem which identifies the wearer with the nation of Israel, Judaism, or both.

Source :

Istana Tuhan Di Tanah Kashmir (Himalaya)

(Tulisan saya ini pernah dimuat di majalah Liberty no 1458, 15 Agustus 1981)

Di dalam membahas persoalan UFO (Unidentified Flying Object = Benda Terbang
Dikenal) banyak penulis barat telah menunjuk pada peristiwa-peristiwa dalam
kitab Injil yang ada persamaannya dengan penyaksian modern UFO masa kini.
Terutama apa yang dialami oleh seorang nabi bangsa Israel yang bernama nabi
Yehezkiel (Ezekiel) yang menyaksikan “jentera-jentera” yang berapi adalah
sebuah contoh yang amat populer.

Diperkirakan nabi Yehezkiel hidup pada kurang lebih 600 tahun sebelum
masehi. Peristiwa yang dialaminya itu tercatat pada kitab Nabi Yehezkiel
terutama pada permulaan dari kitab Yehezkiel.
Pada pasal 1 ayat 4-5 (lihat kitab Injil): “Lalu aku melihat sungguh angin
badai bertiup dari utara dan membawa segumpal awan yang besar dengan api
yang berkilat-kilat dan awan itu dikelilingi dengan sinar; didalam;
ditengah-tengah api itu kelihatan seperti suasana mengkilat. Dan
ditengah-tengah itu juga ada yang menyerupai empat makhluk hidup.”

Pada pasal 1 ayat 10 tertulis:”Keempatnya mempunyai muka manusia didepan,
singa disebelah kanan, muka lembu disebelah kiri dan muka, rajawali
dibelakang. Dilanjutkan dengan pasal 1 ayat 13-14: Ditengah makhluk hidup
itu kelihatan seperti api yang menyala. Makhluk-makhluk hidup itu terbang
kesana kemari seperti kilat”.

Keseluruhan dari bab pertama tentang Yehezkiel mungkin berisikan gambaran
yang sangat menakjubkan dan baik dalam kitab Injil tentang penerbangan dan
pendaratan pesawat ruang angkasa. Kejadian itu berlangsung di tanah Kaldean
dengan sungai Chebar.

Pada kitab Yehezkiel itu, nabi Yehezkiel menjelaskan dengan cermat sekali
bentuk pesawat ruang angkasa itu, sehingga seorang ahli tekhnik NASA
(National Aeronautics and Space administration) yang bernama J. Blumrich
berhasil dalam merekonstruksikan pesawat ruang angkasa yang diterangkan oleh
nabi Yehezkiel dengan petunjuk apa adanya.

Diterangkan dalam kitab Injil bahwa nabi Yehezkiel dibawa oleh pesawat ruang
angkasa itu kesuatu tempat, dengan keterangan:

“Dalam tahun keduapuluh lima sesudah pembuangan kami, yaitu pada permulaan
tahun, pada tanggal sepuluh bulan itu, dalam tahun keempat belas sesudah
kota itu ditaklukkan, pada hari itu juga kekuasaan Tuhan meliputi aku
(Yehezkiel) dan dibawaNya aku dalam penglihatan-penglihatan Illahi ke tanah
Israel dan menempatkan aku di atas sebuah gunung yang tinggi sekali.

Di atas itu dihadapanku ada yang menyerupai bentuk kota. Kesanalah aku
dibawanya. Dan lihat, ada orang yang kelihatan seperti tembaga dan
ditangannya ada tali lenan beserta tongkat pengukur; dan ia berdiri di pintu
gerbang. Orang itu berbicara kepadaku:”Hai anak manusia, lihatlah dengan
teliti dan dengarlah dengan sungguh-sungguh dan perhatikanlah baik-baik
segala sesuatu yang akan kuperlihatkan kepadamu, karena untuk itulah kau
dibawa kemari supaya aku memperlihatkan semua itu kepadamu..”(Yehezkiel

Dalam bukunya yang terkenal, yang dalam edisi bahasa Indonesianya berjudul:
Asal Usul Kecerdasan Manusia. Erich von Daniken memberi komentar lebih
lanjut:”Kemana Yezkiel dibawa?” Blumrich juga telah bertanya:”Dimanakah

Yehezkiel memberikan ukuran yang tepat tentang empat pintu gerbang utama
pada sebuah gereja, memberikan arah kompas mengenai letak gerbang-gerbang
itu dan akhirnya menyebuktan adanya sebuah sungai kecil yang ada di sisi
gereja dan menjadi sungai besar di sebuah lembah luas. Juga ditekankan bahwa
Yehezkiel dibawa kesebuah gunung yang sangat tinggi.

Dengan bukti sedikit ini, rich von Danikenberusaha keras menemukan dimana
lokasi dan peninggalan gereja itu. Yang pasti Yehezkiel tidak mengetahui
nama gunung itu. Tak mungkin ia dibawa ke Yerusalem atau Babilonia karena ia
pernah tinggal lama di daerah-daerah itu.

Mungkinkah Yehezkiel dibawa ke kuil Inca di Amerika Selatan? Jawaban ini
dibantah karena kuil Inca tidak mempunyai empat pintu utama, tiang-tiang
maupun halaman depan. Ataukah ia dibawa ke piramide, ke sebuah kuil di
Amerika Tengah? Namun di sana tidak terdapat gunung yang amat tinggi.
Akhirnya seorang pembaca dari buku-buku Erich von Daniken menulis surat
kepadanya. Seorang pembaca Jerman yang bernama Marier itu memberitahu
penulisan tentang kuil-kuil di Srinagar di Tanah Kashmir. Anehnya salah satu
kuil iu dinamakan “Kuil Yahudi dan kuil ini mempunyai empat pintu dan sebuah
halaman depan dan segala sesuatu yang seharusnya dipunyai oleh Kuil Yahudi.
Pembaca yang baik hati itu juga menyelipkan denah kuil itu didekat Marand,
tiga puluh kilometer dari Srinagar.

Suatu hal yang sangat cocok bahwa didekat kuil itu ada sebuah sungai kecil
yang akhirnya menjadi aungai di tanah Kashmir. Pegunungan yang amat tinggi,
yakni Himalaya menghiasi latar belakangnya.
Memang kuil Yahudi di Srinagar itu disebut juga “Kuil Matahari” dan
merupakan reruntuhan kuil paling besar di Kashmir. Ketika Erich von Daniken
mengadakan suatu ekspedisi pada tahun 1976 kesana, mereka melihat halaman
depan dengan pintu utama, tujuan tangga dan ruang suci di dalamnya. Dan
memanglah terdapat sebuah sungai kecil didekat reruntuhan yang memantulkan
pegunungan Himalaya. Suatu perkiraan bahwa Yehezkiel pasti diangkut dengan
pesawat ruang angkasa dan mendarat di halaman depan itu:

“Lalu dibawanya aku ke pintu gerbang yang menghadap ke sebelah Timur.
Aungguh, kemuliaan Allah Israel datang dari sebelah timur dan terdengarlah
suara seperti air terjun yang menderu dan bumi bersinar karena kemuliaanNya.
Yang kelihatan kepadaku itu adalah seperti yang kelihatan kepadaku ketika Ia
datang untuk memusnahkan kota itu dan seperti yang kelihatan kepadaku ditepi
sungai Kebar, maka aku sembah sujud.

Sedang kemuliaan Tuhan masuk di dalam bait Suci melalui pintu gerbang yang
menghadap kesebelah Timur.”(Yehezkiel 43:1-4).

Dalam teks diatas secara jelas telah disebutkan bahwa pesawat ruang angkasa
itu memasuki kuil. Apakah mungkin ada jejak yang dapat dilacak di daerah
itu? Selama dua hari penuh mereka berjalan mengelilingi daerah itu dengan
alat pengukur radiasi (Geiger counter). Namun tak terjadi apa-apa, hingga
pada sebuah jalur yang muncul pada pintu utama, jarum jarum bergetar dengan
hebat disertai suara gemertak keras mengganggu telinga melalui earphone
selama beberapa detik.

Jalur yang mengandung radiasi itu membuat medan radiasi radioaktif selebar
1,50 meter. Berapakah panjangnya? Perlahan lahan Erich berjalan dari ujung
sebelah kanan menuju kekiri. Detakan di telinga terus terdengar tapi tidak
merata. Mereka menggunakan monitor elektronik portable, type TMB2. 1, dibuat
oleh perusahaan Munich Munchner Apparatebau. Alat ini biasa dipakai untuk
mengukur serta mengontrol radiasi alpha, beta gamma dan neutron.

Pada tempat-tempat tertentu jarum menunjuk pada akhir skala, sehingga timbul
pertanyaan: Apakah kita berjalan diatas sebuah jaringan uranium jauh dibawah
tanah? ataukah ada tambang radioktif di dalam tanah?

Di tempat suci (Bait Suci) dari kuil yang telah runtuh itu terdapat batu
persegi yang padat dan tampak seperti sebongkah beton buatan dengan sisi
sepanjang 2.80 meter. Tinggi tak dapat diukur karena dasarnya tenggelam ke
dalam tanah. Alat detektor mereka menunjukkan bahwa mungkin lempengan batu
itu mempunyai inti bahan bahan metal.

Keesokan harinya teman teman dari Erich von Daniken yang merupakan ahli
arkeologi bernama Profesor Hassnain dan Kohl membawa mereka ke reruntuhan
Pashaspur, yang juga cukup dekat dengan Shrinagar. Mereka menunjukkan tiga
kuil yang berbeda tetapi masing-masing memiliki batu batu persegi yang amat
padat, seperti yang dijumpai sebelumnya. Sekali lagi teks dalam Yehezkiel
membuat kita semua keheranan:

“Hai anak manusia, inilah tempat tahtaKu dan inilah tempat tapak kakiKu,
disinilah Aku akan diam ditengah-tengah orang Israel selama-lamanya.”
(Yehezkiel 43:7).

Apakah Tuhan meninggalkan jejak di lantai Bait Suci yang memberi suatu tanda
bahwa adanya sebuah deposit atau pesan yang amat penting sekali? Ataukah
pengunjung dari luar bumi itu meninggalkan “sesuatu” yang diperuntukkan bagi
kita dalam blok batu misterius itu yang masih menunjukkan kehadiran mereka
walaupun telah berabad-abad lamanya.

“Saya ingin membujuk kaum ilmuwan India agar mau memecah batu itu untuk
menyelidiki badian dalamnya, hingga tahu apa sebabnya terdapat radiasi”
demikian kata Erich von Daniken mengakhiri analisanya terhadap kitab
Yehezkiel yang berhasil dengan gemilang. Sedang apa yang terjadi
sesungguhnya pada tahun 600 sebelum masehi itu kita hanya dapat
mengira-ngira bahwa Tuhan telah menunjukkan istanaNya di bumi pada manusia
yang bernama Yehezkiel. Benarkah “kuil Yahudi” atau “Kuil Matahari” itu
istana Tuhan di Bumi? Adakah hubungannya dengan mitologi India bahwa para
dewa memang memiliki istana di puncak Himalaya? Ataukah itu hanya bekas
pangkalan UFO?

Bahan: Asal-Usul kecerdasan Manusia
karangan: Erich von Daniken

Source :

Time Traveler

Einstein's Big Idea homepage

One of Albert Einstein's greatest insights was realizing that time is relative. It speeds up or slows down depending on how fast one thing is moving relative to something else. How much does it change? In this feature originally designed for students in 1996, "Captain Ein" and "Major Stein" have volunteered to help you find out. Send Captain Ein on a round-trip journey to a star and then compare her age with Major Stein's on Earth.—Jenny Lisle

Requires the Shockwave plugin

1. Click on Captain Ein or Major Stein to set their starting ages.
2. Click on the spaceship to set its speed.
3. Click one of the twinkling stars to choose a destination and start the journey.
4. When the spaceship lands, compare Captain Ein's and Major Stein's ages.

Suggested experiments

What happens if:

* you change the speed of the spaceship?
* you send the spaceship at the same speed to two stars—one that is close by, and one that is far away?

Also, can you find ways to set the ages, speed, and destination so that Captain Ein and Major Stein are almost the same age when Captain Ein returns from her journey?

Why does time change?

Ever feel like time moves very quickly and sometimes very slowly? Like how the hours fly by when you're hanging out with a close friend, or how seconds drag on endlessly when you're stuck in traffic on a hot day? But you can't actually speed time up or slow it down—it always flows at the same rate, right?

Albert Einstein didn't think so. His idea was that, theoretically, the closer we come to traveling at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second), the more time would appear to slow down for us from the perspective of someone who, in relation to us, was not moving. He called the slowing of time due to motion time dilation.

Imagine you're standing on Earth holding a clock. Your friend is in a rocket zooming past you at nearly 186,000 miles per second. Your friend is also holding a clock. If you could see your friend's clock, you'd notice that it seems to be moving a lot more slowly than yours. Your friend, on the other hand, thinks the clock in the rocket is moving just fine, and it's your clock that seems to be moving more slowly. Sound confusing? Well, remember, it took Einstein years to figure this out, and he was pretty smart (see Genius Among Geniuses).

The twin paradox

Einstein came up with an example to show the effects of time dilation that he called the "twin paradox." It's a lot like the Time Traveler game you just played. Let's try it out with a pair of pretend twins, Al and Bert, both of whom are 10 years old in their highly futuristic universe.

Al's parents decide to send him to summer camp in the Alpha-3 star system, which is 25 light-years away (a light-year is the distance light travels in a year). Bert doesn't want to go and stays home on Earth. So Al sets out on his own. Wanting him to get there as quickly as possible, his parents pay extra and send him at 99.99 percent the speed of light.

The trip to the star and back takes 50 years. What happens when Al returns? His twin brother is now 60 years old, but Al is only 10 and a half. How can this be? Al was away for 50 years but only aged by half a year. Has Al just discovered the fountain of youth?

Not at all. Al's trip into space lasted only a half year for him, but on Earth 50 years passed. Does this mean that Al can live forever? Nope. He may have aged by only half a year in the time it took 50 years to pass on Earth, but he also only lived half a year. And since time can slow down but never goes backwards, there's no way he could grow younger.

The ultimate speed limit

Einstein's idea about time slowing down sounds fine in theory, but how can you be sure he's right? One way would be to hop in a rocket and travel near the speed of light. Yet everything we know about physics says we can't do that.

Why? Did you notice in the Time Traveler game that the rocket could travel very fast, but could never reach 100 percent the speed of light? Well, there's a good reason for this....

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, objects gain mass as they accelerate to greater and greater speeds. Now, to get an object to move faster, you need to give it some sort of push. An object that has more mass needs a bigger push than an object with less mass. If an object reached the speed of light, it would have an infinite amount of mass and need an infinite amount of push, or acceleration, to keep it moving. No rocket engine, no matter how powerful, could do this. In fact, as far as we know, nothing can exceed the speed of light.

An historic flight

There are other ways, however, to put his ideas to the test. How do we know Einstein had it right? One experiment in the 1970s provided some pretty strong evidence:

Atomic clocks are extremely accurate clocks that can measure tiny amounts of time—billionths of a second. In 1971, scientists used these clocks to test Einstein's ideas. One atomic clock was set up on the ground, while another was sent around the world on a jet traveling at 600 mph. At the start, both clocks showed exactly the same time.

What happened when the clock flown around the world returned to the spot where the other clock was? As Einstein had predicted in a general way, the clocks no longer showed the same time—the clock on the jet was behind by a few billionths of a second. Why such a small difference? Well, 600 mph is fast but still just the tiniest fraction of the speed of light. To see any significant differences in time, you'd have to be traveling many millions of miles an hour faster.

Note: This feature originally appeared, in slightly different form, on NOVA's "Einstein Revealed" Web site, which has been subsumed into the "Einstein's Big Idea" Web site.

source :

Ramalan Edgar Cayce tentang Masa Depan

Selain visinya yang mengerikan tentang kekacauan global, Edgar Cayce dari Amerika meramalkan akan berakhirnya peradaban yang dikenal sekarang, yang ditandai perang antara kebaikan dan kejahatan.

( - Selama ini, Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) dikenal sebagai salah satu peramal Amerika yang paling berbakat. Cayce yang pernah mendapat julukan "nabi yang tidur" ini menggunakan kemampuan supernormalnya untuk menolong "orang sakit". Ia juga memperingatkan tentang perubahan dan bencana yang akan dialami oleh planet kita pada akhir zaman.

Cayce dilahirkan di pedesaan Hopkinsville. Sebelum menjadi terkenal, Cayce pernah menjalani kehidupan yang keras sebagai anak petani. Ia sangat tekun mempelajari Alkitab, ke mana saja ia pergi selalu membawa kitab suci itu, dan mengambil kesempatan untuk membacanya. Sebagai anak-anak, ia senang sekali mendapatkan bahwa dia bisa tidur di atas buku pelajaran dan menyerap informasi yang ada di dalamnya. Tetapi dengan berlalunya waktu keahlian ini lenyap, dan dia meninggalkan bangku sekolah saat kelas enam. Dia bekerja serabutan di perladangan, di toko sepatu, di toko buku; menjadi salesman; dan menjadi juru potret.

Bertemu Seorang Dewi
Saat berusia 13 tahun, suatu hari Cayce sedang duduk di bawah pohon membaca Alkitab, tiba-tiba ia tersentak oleh perasaan bahwa ia tidak sendirian. Melihat ke atas, ia melihat sosok seseorang wanita di depannya dan menyadari bahwa wanita itu adalah seorang dewi. "Doamu telah didengar," dewi itu berkata. "Katakan apa yang paling kamu inginkan, sehingga aku dapat memberikannya padamu." Setelah beberapa menit merasa bengong, pria muda ini menjawab: "Saya ingin menolong orang lain, terutama anak-anak saat mereka sakit."

Bersamaan dengan itu, sosok bercahaya itu lenyap. Setelah pertemuan yang singkat dengan dewi itu, ia memiliki kekuatan yang luar biasa sepanjang hidupnya. Sejak saat itu dan seterusnya, dia sering membantu orang mendapatkan kembali kesehatannya, dan memulai debutnya yang sesungguhnya sebagai peramal, serta mendapatkan kemasyhuran untuk ketepatan ramalannya, yang datang kepadanya ketika dia berada dalam keadaan tidak sadar. Sebagian dari ramalan itu tidak diungkapkan dan hanya diceritakan secara terbatas kepada kerabat dekat tidak lama sebelum peramal besar ini meninggal di Roanoke, Virginia, pada tanggal 5 Januari 1945 --tepat pada tanggal yang diramalkannya empat tahun sebelumnya.

Cayce meramalkan Perang Dunia I dan II, keruntuhan pasar saham tahun 1929, kemerdekaan India, dan 15 tahun sebelum terjadinya, berdirinya negara Israel. Tetapi seperti kasus Nostradamus dan Santo Yohanes, Cayce terutama mempunyai fokus yang kuat atas peristiwa-peristiwa yang baru terjadi pada akhir abad ke-20. Dunia masih menunggu pemenuhan ramalannya yang paling mengerikan: gempa bumi berturut-turut yang mendatangkan kebinasaan dan akan memecah benua-benua serta mengubah peta dunia pada masa mendatang.

Kekalutan Geologis
Selama kehidupannya, Cayce telah banyak mendapatkan visi kejadian di masa mendatang. Ramalan-ramalannya ini memberikan pandangan yang menakutkan tentang kekacauan alam dan perang yang akan mengguncang dunia di sekitar perputaran milenium ini.

Di antaranya adalah ramalan Cayce tentang kekalutan geologis berdasarkan bergesernya poros bumi. Dia melihat pergeseran itu akan terjadi pada awal abad 21, yang mengakibatkan perubahan drastis. Diperingatkan bahwa dunia akan diserang oleh badai listrik yang mengerikan, tornado, angin ribut, letusan gunung berapi, gelombang pasang, dan gempa bumi. Seismograf akan menampakkan getaran lembut pertama di sepanjang pantai barat Amerika Serikat dan lepas pantai Jepang; suara gemuruh akan terdengar dari kedalaman laut Pasifik, dan geiser raksasa menyemburkan air panas, uap belerang, lumpur, dan dengan keras menghantam ribuan kaki di dalam air.

Akibatnya sebagian besar Amerika Serikat bagian barat akan bergetar dan masuk ke dalam lautan dalam suatu ledakan gunung yang hilang. Bencana akan meluas ke seluruh Amerika, dan Carolina, Georgia, dan Alabama barat akan tenggelam. Jepang akan digetarkan oleh gempa bumi pembunuh dan dihancurkan oleh gelombang pasang raksasa. New York akan menjadi miring dan Eropa utara akan hilang di bawah laut Atlantik dalam sekejap mata.

Awan dan debu zat kimia beracun juga akan menyebar ke seluruh dunia, sehingga menghalangi matahari dan menimbulkan ribuan kebakaran. Gunung berapi, yang sebagian dianggap telah mati, akan meletus. Kilat akan sambung-menyambung di langit, dan kebakaran akan terjadi di Pantai Barat.

Dunia Dilahirkan Kembali
Pada masa mendatang bukan hanya perubahan bersifat geologis, salah satu ramalannya yang paling mengejutkan berkaitan dengan kelahiran kembali keyakinan agama di Rusia, yang akan "memerlukan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk bisa mengkristal." "Sebab perubahan akan datang, dengan cara evolusi atau revolusi, dan landasan hal itu bagi seluruh dunia akan berasal dari Rusia."

"Bukan komunisme, melainkan apa yang landasannya sama dengan jenis persaudaraan yang diajarkan Kristus dalam Kisah Rasul-Rasul 2:44, 4:32." Cayce meramalkan bahwa Cina juga akan menjadi "buaian" Kristianitas, "setelah negara itu terbangun."

Dia juga meramalkan bahwa dia akan dilahirkan lebih dari satu kali dalam abad pertama setelah milenium berikutnya untuk membantu pengembangan spiritual planet ini yang akan menyusul perubahan bumi besar-besaran yang sekarang terjadi atas diri kita. Keyakinannya yang kuat memperlihatkan diri dalam jawabannya terhadap pertanyaan resah banyak orang yang selalu mengikuti ramalan bencananya: "Apa bedanya hal itu kalau kita hidup dengan benar?"

Sebagian dari visinya yang paling menarik adalah pandangannya berkaitan dengan kehancuran peradaban, dan kedatangan Kristus yang kedua kalinya -peristiwa yang diramalkan terjadi pada tahun-tahun awal mileniun baru. Selain visinya yang mengerikan tentang kekacauan global, diramalkan juga akan berakhirnya peradaban yang dikenal sekarang, yang ditandai dengan perang antara kekuatan terang melawan kekuatan kegelapan yang berhadap-hadapan untuk melakukan konflik terakhir yang sangat menentukan.

Salah satu ramalan Cayce yang membuat orang sangat penasaran adalah akan munculnya daratan Atlantis. Ia menyebutkan Atlantis kira-kira 700 kali dalam pembacaannya, dan meramalkan bahwa benua yang sudah lama hilang ini segera akan ditemukan kembali. Rasanya masuk akal untuk mengandaikan bahwa kemunculannya kembali akan bersamaan dengan perubahan bumi lainnya yang dramatis. Dia terutama menyebutkan kawasan di sekitar Pulau Bimini di Kepulauan Bahama, yang dilihatnya merupakan "bagian tertinggi yang ditinggalkan di atas ombak apa yang dulunya adalah benua besar."

Daratan Atlantis Muncul Kembali

Sang "nabi yang tidur" menetapkan tempat daratan yang tenggelam ini di antara Teluk Meksiko dan Laut Tengah. Pembacaannya menunjukkan bahwa benua yang hilang lebih unggul teknologinya daripada teknologi kita yang muktahir sekalipun, tetapi dihancurkan oleh bencana buatan manusia dan bencana alam kira-kira antara 12.000 dan 17.000 tahun yang lalu.

Jatuhnya Atlantis, kata Cayce, disebabkan oleh penyalahgunaan sebuah kristal besar yang dimanfaatkan untuk mengendalikan tenaga matahari. Penanganan yang salah ini menyebabkan kegiatan gunung berapi yang intensif dan menjerumuskan peradaban yang dulunya perkasa ke dasar samudera. Banyak warga Atlantis yang berhasil melarikan diri sebelum bencana menimpa. "Bukti-bukti adanya peradaban Atlantis bisa ditemukan di Pegunungan Pyrenia, Maroko dan Honduras Inggris (Belize), Yucatan, dan bagian-bagian Amerika -terutama dekat Bimini serta di Gulf Stream dan sekitarnya."

Setelah bukti ini ditemukan, warga Atlantis yang telah mengalami reinkarnasi akan tertarik untuk membangun kembali kampung halaman mereka sebelumnya. "Banyak sekali, sebagaimana yang diceritakan, orang yang dilahirkan kembali ke bumi, yang melalui pengalamannya, berada di negeri ini." "Maka dengan pembangunan ini kita menemukan keinginan terpendam yang akan tidak terperi banyaknya, yang dengan suatu cara berhubungan�c untuk membuat bukan hanya tempat yang bisa didiami, tetapi yang tidak bisa disamai oleh tempat mana pun juga lainnya."

Bahaya dari beberapa bencana alam yang paling mengerikan di dunia selanjutnya akan berakhir selamanya seiring ditemukannya kristal raksasa yang membentuk inti planet, dan kekuatannya untuk menciptakan gempa bumi, gelombang pasang, dan letusan gunung berapi dapat dikendalikan. Kristal peninggalan Atlantis ini memiliki diameter lebih dari 1.000 mil, dan para ahli geologi serta ilmu pengetahuan lain akan berhasil dalam memanfaatkan kekuatan kristal raksasa itu demi kebaikan umat manusia. Penemuan kristal itu juga akan dikaitkan dengan misteri hilangnya kapal, perahu, dan pesawat udara di Segitiga Bermuda.

(Jar, dari berbagai sumber)

Source :

If Ruins Of An Ancient Civilization Are Discovered On Mars, Will You Lose Your Religion?

By :Thomas Horn
April 25, 2007

According to polls, a majority of people could accept a genuine ET reality without losing their faith in God.

Portland, -- NASA's recently released ultra high resolution pictures of the "face on Mars" reveal details as small as a few inches across including what some believe to be girders, windows and walls from ancient structures. Richard Hoagland and his Enterprise Team believe this is the smoking gun. "The debate is over," he says. "I no longer need to prove that these are ruins, my critics need to prove that they are not."

A few years ago the movie "Mission to Mars" sent NASA Commander Luke Graham (Don Cheadle) with a crew of four astronauts to the red planet. While exploring strange geological formations on the Martian landscape, the truth about the Face on Mars and the origin of mankind was discovered.

At the time, director Brian De Palma admitted, "Mission to Mars is set in 2020 because that’s the date the experts predict we should have a manned landing on Mars."

The film insinuated that, when we do set foot on Mars, the discovery of past alien presence could be made near the Sphinx-like "face" and pyramidal shapes photographed by the Viking Mars probe.

Benevolent Creator Astronauts Theory (ET=God)

A staple doctrine among many ufologists is that such a discovery would lead to the conclusion that the origin of myth as well as the creation of man was the direct result of intelligent extraterrestrial activity, or benevolent creator astronauts.

In the introduction to his bestselling book, CHARIOTS OF THE GODS?, Erich von Daniken, who, it might be argued, is one of the fathers of modern ufology, said:

I claim that our forefathers received visits from the universe in the remote past, even though I do not yet know who these extra-terrestrial intelligences were or from which planet they came. I nevertheless proclaim that these "strangers" annihilated part of mankind existing at the time and produced a new, perhaps the first, homo sapiens."

As was illustrated in the Hollywood films Contact and Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Erich von Daniken's hypothesis took America by storm in the 1960's with the proposition that mankind was possibly the offspring of an ancient, even ongoing, extraterrestrial experiment.

Ufologists like Daniken assert that the Sphinx, the Pyramids and myths of ancient cultures are potential evidence of an encounter with these other-worldly beings. They claim ancient men would have considered space travelers as gods and would have recorded their arrival, their experiments, and their departure, in hieroglyphs, megaliths, and stone tablets as a "supernatural" encounter between gods and men.

Mr. Daniken continues:

While [the] spaceship disappears again into the mists of the universe our friends will talk about the miracle—"The gods were here!"....they will make a record of what happened: uncanny, weird, miraculous. Then their texts will relate—and drawings will show—that gods in golden clothes were there in a flying boat that landed with a tremendous din. They will write about chariots which the gods drove over land and sea, and of terrifying weapons that were like lightning, and they will recount that the gods promised to return. They will hammer and chisel in the rock pictures of what they had seen:"

Von Daniken also claims that the odd appearance of some of the gods as depicted in various hieroglyphs (human-like creatures with falcon heads; lions with heads of bulls, etc) could be viewed as evidence that "aliens" conducted experiments of cloning and cross-mutating ancient people and animals.

Daniken's hypothesis is accepted by some as an alternative to the traditional account of creation. It's uncertain how many people believe the Daniken (and Sitchen) theory, but approximately 70% of Americans believe in the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Some, like the 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult that committed suicide in Rancho Santa Fe, California and believed they were being summoned by a UFO trailing the Hale-Bopp Comet, take it a step further. They merge ufology and religious cosmology to produce hybrids of conventional religion and/or esoteric mysticism. Of course the remaining 30% minority reject the entire notion as ridiculous.

Malevolent Non-Creator-Astronauts Theory (ET=Satan)

One of the more troubling aspects of the benevolent creator-astronaut view is the related "abduction" scenario associated with certain types of aliens--the taking of a person against their will, often followed by intrusive probes, genetic tinkering, embryo farming and other experimental processes. The abduction by shadowy forces for reasons unknown is viewed by most experiencers and researchers as impersonal, malevolent, demonic.

Associate professor of psychology Elizabeth L. Hillstrom points out in her book, Testing the Spirits, that a growing number of academics also associate UFOnauts--whoever, or whatever, they are--with historical "demons".

She writes:

From a Christian perspective, Vallee’s explanation of UFOs is the most striking because of its parallels with demonic activity. UFO investigators have noticed these similarities. Vallee himself, drawing from extrabiblical literature on demonic activities, establishes a number of parallels between UFOnauts and demons....Pierre Guerin, a UFO researcher and a scientist associated with the French National Council for Scientific Research, is not so cautious: "The modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical." Veteran researcher John Keel, who wrote UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse and other books on the subject, comes to the same conclusion: "The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon."

Yet if a portion of "flying saucer" activity is in the biblical sense demonic, what nefarious purpose would be served by the stealthy nature of UFO phenomena?

According to some, the answer is diabolical. UFO-ism, they say, is aimed at preparing the earth for an extraterrestrial "return of the creator gods." To put it bluntly, some believe we are being prepared for the collapse of man's dominant religions. This will happen in two ways:

First, alien religion--as reported in hundreds of abduction cases--is one of evolutionary humans "on the verge of extraordinary telepathic and technological emergence" in which transhumanism will pave the way for harmonic and spiritual convergence to the community of space brothers.

Second, from a technological standpoint, UFO sightings challenge the claim of human superiority and dispute our unique role in the universe. We are made to feel shallow, undeveloped, unenlightened if we consider rejecting the new universal religion.

ETs bearing this message often point out that "they" will be reappearing at any moment to assist us in this--our next big evolutionary, spiritual, and technological step forward.

Supported By Historical and Religious Texts

Claims of extraterrestrials visiting the earth in ancient times and interacting with men is referenced throughout ancient history, including sacred texts. As illustrated in the two views above, ufologists differ in the definition of who these creatures were and what they were doing. For instance, both Daniken and Sitchen refer to the figures in the Bible here (Interlinear Hebrew):

The benei Elohim saw the daughters of Adam, that they were fit extensions. And they took wives for themselves from all those that they chose...The Nephelim were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when the benei Elohim came in to the daughters of Adam, and they bore to them—they were Powerful Ones which existed from ancient times, the men of name. (Gen. 6:2,4)"

We are told these benei Elohim were "extraterrestrial" creatures known elsewhere as "watchers," "sons of God," and "rephiam." These visited the earth during antiquity and used the daughters of Adam as "fit extensions" or instruments through which they extended themselves into the physical world. They represented themselves as "gods," and their offspring, the Nephilim ("fallen ones"), made war with the Hebrews.

Yet some think these beings could be planning something now, an "alien invasion" or discovery designed to deceive the human race. We are entering the 'end times', the theory goes, where "...fearful sights and great signs...from heaven" (Lk 21:11) will be seen.

2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 is often added to this theory:

And then shall that Wicked [one] be revealed....whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders....And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

The message is: Beware if world authorities begin "disclosure" by pointing to ancient mysteries, megaliths, pyramids, the Face on Mars, UFOs or anything else as proof of an ancient visitation of planet earth by creator ETs. Deception, we are told, will follow. We will be instructed to believe that ancient astronauts--not God--created the human race, and a great "falling away" of the earth's major religions will follow.

ET=Neither God Or Satan

Others argue that to depict ET as either godly or satanic is to trivialize the debate; that in a sense ET is neither... and both! Just as "good" and "bad" angels exist or "good" and "bad" people exist, ET comes in all personality types, races, and temperaments. The Grays, who are most usually associated with abduction, might be perceived as evil (or at a minimum impersonal), while other aliens are good guys.

Don't buy that for a second," we hear the conservative ufologist shout. "Satan comes as an angel of light!"

Yet I digress.

If evidence of ancient "civilizations" or UFOs are discovered elsewhere in the galaxy, will YOU lose YOUR religion?

The Mystery of Atlantis Solved! - A giant tsunami destroyed the ancient civilization

Any myth bears a grain of truth and is not just about some stories invented by the human mind. This is also the case of Atlantis, the country swallowed by the sea.
The myth of Atlantis, the city state engulfed by the sea waters, was first mentioned by Plato 2400 years ago and has been firing the popular imagination for centuries. In reality, the legend talks about a real ancient civilization swallowed by the sea. Indeed, the Atlantic Ocean received its name from Atlantis, as fantasist imaginations placed its location in the middle of this ocean. But increasing evidence shows that this civilization could have been located in the Crete Island and matched with the pre-Greek Minoan civilization.

3,500 years ago, Minoans developed a sophisticated civilization in the islands of
the Eastern Mediterranean, while the rest of the Europe was still in the Neolithic phase.
There were building palaces, paved streets and sewers. Most Europeans, including later Greeks, were migratory tribes living in primitive shelters. These pre-Greek populations could have been not even Indo-European, but rather related to the Basque or Caucasus ethnic groups.

But around 1500 BC the people who created the myths of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth suddenly vanished, as a result of a giant tsunami or so it seems. Researchers have discovered new proofs that Crete experienced a massive tsunami by the time of Minoan disappearance.

"The geo-archaeological deposits contain a number of distinct tsunami signatures," said geologist Professor Hendrik Bruins of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.

"Minoan building material, pottery and cups along with food residue such as isolated animal bones were mixed up with rounded beach pebbles and sea shells and microscopic marine fauna. The latter can only have been scooped up from the sea-bed by one mechanism - a powerful tsunami, dumping all these materials together in a destructive swoop," Bruins added.

The layers were detected up to 7 m (23 ft) above the sea level, much higher than the normal reach of storm waves. "An event of ferocious force hit the coast of Crete and this wasn't just a Mediterranean storm," said Bruins.

The Minoan civilization was of sailors and traders. Their towns were located mostly on the coast, exposing them to tsunami.

On Palaikastro (Eastern Crete), Canadian archaeologist Sandy MacGillivray has been excavating for 25 years in one of the largest Minoan cities. He detected here another matching situation: buildings with walls facing the sea were missing, but side walls, not exposed to giant waves, were left intact.

"All of a sudden a lot of the deposits began making sense to us. Even though the town of Palaikastro is a port it stretched hundreds of meters into the hinterland and is, in places, at least 15 meters above sea level. This was a big wave." said MacGillivary.

One issue has impeded the researchers to see clearly the case of Atlantis.

"The study of ancient tsunamis is in its infancy and people have not, until now, really known what to look for." said tsunami expert Costas Synolakis, from the University of Southern California.

Researchers had not known what kind of deposits a tsunami leaves behind it till the devastating Asian tsunami of 2004.
"If you remember the video footage, some of it showed tones of debris being carried along by the wave and much of it was deposited inland." said Synolakis.

The ancient wave could have been as powerful as the one of the Asian tsunami that killed 250,000 people.

"The Minoans are so confident in their navy that they're living in unprotected cities all along the coastline. Now, you go to Banda Aceh [in Indonesia] and you find that the mortality rate is 80%. If we're looking at a similar mortality rate, that's the end of the Minoans." said MacGillivary.

Regarding the cause of the ancient tsunami, all data point to the huge eruption of the Santorini volcano, 70 km north of Crete, which matched the data of the sudden Minoan decline.The Santorini eruption was up to 10 times more powerful than the Krakatoa blast in 1883, and volcanic stones reached even the Egyptian shore of the Sinai peninsula while it was heard at more than 3,000 miles (4,800 km) away. The falling of Santorini's huge cone into the sea during the blast must have produced the big wave. In fact, many land masses from the Aegean Sea could have sunk with the eruption (was the Atlantis city located in one of them?).

Probably the wave did not reach Knossos, the inland Minoan capital, but the massive ash falls could have ruined the crop, inducing famine and disaster in a population trapped on the Island by its destroyed navy. At the same time, Egyptian documents mention a massive invasion of the "People of the Sea", seafaring raiders that probably fled famine from the Crete Island. In Canaan, they mixed with local Hebrew people and gave birth to another civilization of seafarers, the Phoenicians.

Source :


By Dr. Norman Geisler

(Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, Baker Book House, 1999)
Nostradamus (1503-1566) was known by the Latin name of Michel de Notredame or
Nostredame. He was graduated from University of Montpellier in France and was a physician and astrologer. He published a book of rhymed prophecies titled Centuries (1555). He is reputed to have predicted accurately the death of Henry II of France and many other things.
According to Andre Lamont, Nostradamus Sees All (“Preface,” 2d. ed., v), “he was well
versed in the arts of astronomy, the kabbala, astrology, alchemy, magic, mathematics and medicine.”
Predictions of Nostradamus. Some critics of Christianity hold up Nostradamus as an
example of someone who made predictions on the level with those in the Bible, thus canceling the claim of supernatural uniqueness made for biblical prophecy. However, on examination they fall far short of this claim. The predictions of Nostradamus show signs of an occult source and may be explained according to purely natural processes.
A Great California Earthquake. Nostradamus is alleged to have predicted a great
earthquake in California for May 10, 1981. This was reported on May 6, 1981, in USA
Today. However, no such quake occurred. As a matter of fact, Nostradamus mentioned no
country, city, or year. He spoke only of a “rumbling earth” in a “new city” and a “very mighty quake” on May 10 [no year].
Hitler’s Rise to Power. Lamont claims that Nostradamus gave “a prophecy of the
coming of Hitler and Nazism in a world divided within itself” (Lamont, 252). However, Hitler is not mentioned and the prediction gives no date and is vague. It reads: “Followers of sects, great troubles are in store for the Messenger. A beast upon the theater prepares the scenical play. The inventor of that wicked feat will be famous. By sects the world will be confused and divided” (ibid.). In this context there is a reference to “Hister” (not Hitler) by Nostradamus (C4Q68), which is obviously a place, not a person. The attempt to read back into this both his name and birthplace is stretched. What is more, Hitler grew up in Linz, Austria, not in any place called Hister.
Quatrain 2-24 reads: “Beasts mad with hunger will swim across rivers, Most of the army will be against the Lower Danube [Hister sera]. The great one shall be dragged in an iron cage when the child brother [de Germain] will observe nothing.”
This is allegedly a prophecy concerning Adolf Hitler. According to followers of
Nostradamus, the lower portion of the Danube is known as either “Ister” or “Hister” (Randi, 213), which seems to be close enough to “Hitler” for their purposes.
However, the substitution of “l” for “s” in Hister, and the inversion of “t” and “s,” is totally arbitrary. In another quatrain (4-68), Nostradamus mentions the Lower Danube in conjunction with the Rhine (“De Ryn”). But if “Hister” refers to Hitler, then to what does “De Ryn” refer? Followers of Nostradamus are inconsistent, treating one river as an anagram and taking the other literally. The Latin phrase de Germain should be interpreted “brother” or “near relative,” not “Germany” (Randi, 214). Even if these highly questionable interpretations are allowed, the prophecy is still quite ambiguous. What are we to make of the “Beasts” and the “iron cage”? To say that Adolf Hitler (“the great one”) will be “dragged in an iron cage” while Germany “will observe nothing” is so ambiguous and confusing it renders the entire prophecy meaningless.
Quatrain 4-68 is also alleged to refer to Hitler. It reads: “In the year very near, not far from Venus, The two greatest of Asia and Africa From the Rhine and Lower Danube, which will be said to have come, Cries, tears at Malta and the Ligurian coast.”
As in the previous example, “Lower Danube” is here taken to mean “Hitler.” “The two
greatest of Asia and Africa” are taken to refer to Japan and Mussolini, espectively. Thus, the second and third lines refer to the Tripartite Pact between Japan, Italy, and Germany.
The fourth is taken as a reference to the bombing of Malta and the bombardment of Genoa (Randi, 215).
In addition to the reasons given above, this prophecy claims these events would take
place in a “year very near;” but the Tripartite Pact (1941) came almost 400 years after the prediction. It is not clear how Asia could refer to Japan, and even more so, how Africa could refer to Mussolini or Italy. Again Nostradamus’s followers are inconsistent, for they interpret Asia, Africa, and the Lower Danube figuratively while providing no corresponding interpretation for the Rhine. Finally, this prophecy is ambiguous on the whole. It could be interpreted in various ways so as to fulfill many different events.
The Second World War. According to Lamont, Nostradamus forecast that, after the
first World War, the Spanish Civil War, and other wars, a more furious one was foretold—the Second World War, with its aerial warfare and suffering. But no such details are given.
It is typically vague and could be easily forecast without any supernormal powers. The passage reads simply: “After a great human exhaustion, a greater one is being prepared.
As the great motor renews the centuries, a rain of blood, milk, famine, iron and pestilence [will come]. In the sky will be seen fires carrying long sparks” (Lamont, 168). Evaluation Nostradamus’s forecasts are general, vague, and explainable on purely natural grounds. Furthermore, Nostradamus shows clear signs of demonic and occult influence.
False Prophecies. An evident sign of a false prophet is false prophecy (cf.Deuteronomy 18). If Nostradamus’ predictions are taken literally, many are false. If they are not, then they can fit many “fulfillments.” As John Ankerberg put it, “it is an undeniable fact that Nostradamus gave numerous false prophecies” (Ankerberg, 340). Noted Nostradamus scholar Erick Cheetham said flatly of his prognostications in his Almanachs: “Many of these predictions were wrong” (Cheetham, 20). Some interpretations are so diverse that while one claims it is a reference to “Calvinist Geneva,” another believes it refers to “atomic power” (The Prophecies of Nostradamus, 81).
Vague Predictions. The truth is that the vast majority of his prognostications are so
ambiguous and vague that they could fit a great variety of events. Consider this one:
“Scythe by the Pond, in conjunction with Sagittarius at the high point of its scendant—disease, famine, death by soldiery—the century/age draws near its renewal” (Centuries 1.6). The lines can be interpreted so as to fit any number of events in the future. When something is judged to be a fulfillment, Nostradamus will seem supernatural. Astrologers and fortunetellers use vague descriptions and imagery all the time. Nostradamus was a master at this art.
Contradictory Interpretations. There is no unanimity among Nostradamus’ interpreters
about the meaning of his predictions. This lack of agreement is further proof of their ambiguity and lack of authority. In The Prophecies of Nostradamus the editors note contradictory interpretations (see I, 16; I, 51; II, 41; II, 43; II, 89; III, 97, etc.).
Predictions after the Fact. Nostradamus himself acknowledged that his predictions
were written in such a manner that “they could not possibly be understood until they were interpreted after the event and by it” (Randi, 31). There is nothing miraculous about reading a fulfillment back into a prophecy which could not be clearly seen there beforehand. Not a single prediction of Nostradamus has ever been proven genuine. This means that either he is a false prophet or else he was not really seriously claiming to be giving real predictions.
Perhaps he was a con artist or a literary prankster. Tongue-in-Cheek Prophecies? His prognostications were so vague and unproductive that even the encyclopedia of Man, Myth and Magic suggests that “Nostradamus composed them with tongue in cheek, as he was well aware that there is an enduring market for prophecies and particularly for veiled ones” (Cavendish, 2017). As James Randi put it, “The marvelous prophecies of Michel de Nostredame, upon examination, turn out to be a tiresome collection of vague, punning, seemingly badly constructed verses.... From a distance of more than 400 years, I fancy I can hear a bearded Frenchman laughing at the naiveté of his 20th century dupes” (36).
Confessed Demonic Source. Nostradamus admitted demonic inspiration when he wrote:
“The tenth of the Calends of April roused by evil persons; the light extinguished; diabolical assembly searching for the bones of the devil (damant—”demon”) according to Psellos” (Lamont, 71). Commenting on this, Lamont noted that “The utilization of the demons or black angels is recommended by ancient writers on magic. They claim that they have much knowledge of temporal matters and, once under control, will give much information to the operator.”
He adds, Nostradamus could not have avoided such a temptation” (ibid.).
Various Forms of Occult Practices. Nostradamus was associated with various occult
activities. Lamont observes that “Magic—Astrology—Symbolism—Anagrams—[are a] Key
to Nostradamus” (ibid., 69). In Centuries, Quatrain 2 is translated: “The wand in the hand seated in the midst of the Branches, He (the prophet) wets in the water both the hem (of his garment) and the foot. A fearfulness and a voice quiver through the sleeves; divine splendor, The Divine is seated near” (ibid., 70). Lamont comments that here “Nostradamus followed the rites of magic according to Iamblichus. It is night—he is seated on the stool or prophetic tripod—a little flame rises. He has the divining rod in his hand” (ibid., 70-71).
In addition to the use of the occult divining rod, Nostradamus was widely known for his knowledge of astrology—another occult practice condemned by the Bible (Deuteronomy 18). But whatever their source, these predictions in no way rival the clear, specific, and highly accurate predictions of Scripture.
Conclusion. There is no real comparison between Nostradamus’ predictions and those
of the Bible. His are vague, fallible, and occult. Those of the Bible are clear, infallible, and divine. The Bible made numerous clear and distinct predictions hundreds of years in advance.
Nostradamus did not. There is no evidence that Nostradamus was a prophet at all;
certainly he was like none in the Bible. Biblical prophecy stands unique in its claim to be supernatural.
J. Ankerberg, et al., Cult Watch
M. Cavendish, “Nostradamus” in Man, Myth and Magic, new ed., vol. 15
E. Cheetham, The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus
A. Kole, Miracle and Magic
A. Lamont, Nostradamus Sees All
M. Nostradamus, Centuries
J. Randi, “Nostradamus: The Prophet for All Seasons,” The Skeptical Enquirer (Fall 1882)[no editor named], The Prophecies of Nostradamus

Are we Allien??

Percaya gak jika kita “Ras Manusia yang menghuni bumi sekarang ini justru bukanlah penduduk bumi..”

Ada banyak teori yang dapat mendukung pernyataan di atas, oke mari kita kupas satu persatu ya….

Manusia Lembah Sungai Nil

Kita semua tahu kl bangsa Mesir kuno adalah penghuni sungai Nil memiliki pengetahuan yang sangat luas dibidang geometri ( ilmu ukur ruang ) , matematika, dan astronomi. Semua berwujud dalam bentuk piramida Giza yang telah berdiri lebih dari 5000 tahun. Salah satu pencapaian terbesar bangsa Mesir adalah mencinptakan system kalender berdasarkan pergerakan bulan. Lalu pada tahun 3000 SM, mereka juga menciptakan kalender matahari 365 hari serupa kalender Gregorian yang kita pakai sekarang. Sorang ahli arkeoastronomi Robert Bauval mengemukan bahwa susunan kompleks piramida Giza identik dengan susunan rasi bintang Orion…begitu juga dengan bangunan2 kuno lainnya di Mesir.. sungguh maju sekali ilmu pengetahuan mereka.

Kebudayaan Maya & Inca

Kebudayaan Maya & Inca adalah kebudayaan yang paling maju di wilayah Amerika Latin. Bisa dilihat dari bangun peninggalan mereka, seperti kuil Matahari dan Piramida dunia baru. Ditilik dari strukturnya bangunan ini berfungsi utk mengamati pergerakan bulan dan matahari. Bangsa Maya juga telah mengenal planet Venus dan menganggap ini menjadi hal yang penting dlm kehidupan mrk. Bangsa Maya juga mengenal system kalender, bahkan system kalender bangsa Maya ini adalah system kalender yang paling akurat.di dunia. Lebih akurat dari pada system kalender yang kita gunakan sekarang yang masih harus menambah satu hari utk tiap tahun kabisat. Beberapa bangunan terkenal lainya seperti Chichen Itza dan Istana Uxmal dirancang sedemikian rupa posisnya sehingga menghadap ke Venus pada saat terbit pertama kali dilangit paling selatan..Sungguh sangat maju astronomi mrk….

Dari mana semua ini berasal?

Ahli purbakala Graham Hancock dalam esainya tahun 2000 mengemukakan teori bahwa komplek kuil Angkor Wat di Kamboja merepleksikan susunan rasi bintang Draco, dan dalam risetnya mengenai kota yang hilang Atlantis berpendapat bahwa kemungkinan besar penduduk Atlantislah yang pada saat itu telah memiliki pengetahuan yang sangat luas dan mewariskan pengetahuan tsb ke bangsa2 lainnya. Sebelum akhirnya mereka musnah karena percobaan kristal yang mengakibatkan Atlantis tenggelam. Teori yang menarik, mengingat rata2 bangunan ini dibangun pada rentang waktu 12.000 – 3.000 tahun yang lalu. Dikala manusia pada saat itu msh pada jaman batu.

Dengan asumsi teori Darwin maka sulit di percaya manusia yang masih primitif memiliki metode konstruksi banguan raksana dengan tingkat presisi geometri mengagumkan dan salah satu motifnya adalah pengamatan astronomi, tanpa bantuan alat2 berat atau mesin canggih yang dimiliki manusia moderen sekarang…Bahkan saking komplek dan raksasanya bangun tsb, diragukan kl manusia sekarang bisa meniru pembuatan struktur tsb.

Missing Link Teori Evolusi Darwin

Nama Charles Darwin tidak asing lagi bagi telinga kita. Dalam Origin of Species-nya tahun 1859 yang sangat populer merombak pemikiran dunia tsb. Semua kehidupan di muka bumi di jejak ulang baik itu primata, mamalia, vertebrata hingga ke bentuk kehidupan paling sederhana yang di asumsikan sudah ada milyaran tahun lalu.

Namun seiring dengan bertambahnya penemuan fosil-fosil disana-sini bertambahlah kebingungan para ilmuwan. Mrk berkesimpulan bentukawal species manusia berawal di Asia sejak 500.000 ribu tahun yang lalu. Penemuan di Afrika Timur membawa tambahan informasi bahwa transisi dari bentuk tersebut kebentuk kera yang menyerupai manusia (homonids) terjadi pada 14 juta tahun yang lalu. Dan baru setelah melewati proses sangat lamban 11 juta tahun kemudian muncul bentuk yang layak diklasifikasikan sebagai Homo.

Jenis pertama dlm klasifikasi ini adalah Advanced Australophitecus dari Afrika sekitar 2 juta tahun yang lalu. Setelah sekitar 1 juta tahun baru muncul Homo Erectus dan ditambah lagi 900.000 tahun (50.000 SM) barulah muncul jenis manusia primitive pertama yaitu, Neanderthal. Yang perlu dicatatadalah perkakas primitive seperti batu tajam yang dipergunakan Advanced Australophitecus dan Neandertha berbentuk hamper mirip, padahal rentang waktu amsa antara kedua jenis tersebut adalah 2 juta tahun. Artinya selama rentang masa itu perkembangan peradaban dan intelektualitas berjalan dalam percepatan yang sangat lambat.

Lalu secara mendadak dan tiba-tiba 35.000 tahun lalu muncul suatu species baru yaitu Homo Sapiens (manusia berfikir) di wilayah Mediterania, setelah punahnya species Neanderthadengan sebab yang diperkirakan oleh para ahli akibat kondisi iklim yang memburuk pada waktu itu. Species baru ini yang disebut Homo Sapiens atau Cro Magnon sudah memiliki bentuk fisik seperti kita sekarang ini, dan memiliki peradaban yang lebih maju dibandingkan species sebelumnya. Mrk hidup di gua-gua, sudah mengenal pakaian dan perkakas yang lebih halus dan fungsional yang dibuat dari kayu dan tulang. Lukisan2 yang ditemukan di dinding2 gua tsb menunjkan bahwa mereka sudah memiliki cita rasa seni, emosi dan religi.

Disinilah letak missing link teori Darwin, Mengapa bisa terjadi lonjakan species, peradaban,kebudayaan dan tehnologi seperti itu.? Menurut Prof. Theodosius Dobhansky pengarang buku Mankind Evolving, yang paling mengherankan adalah bukan keterbelakangan manusia purba, tetapi adalah kemajuan kita, manusia moderen yang sangat pesat. Menurutnya dengan percepatan evolusi normal manusia sekarang harus nya masih dalam tahap primitive, utk mengembangkan perkakas batu saja diperlukan 2 juta tahun lagi. Dan mungkin dengan evolusi 10 jt tahun lagi manusia baru mencapai dasar ilmu astronomi dan matematika. Tapi justru kita, manusia yang hanya berselisih sekitar 50.000 tahun saja sudah dapat mendaratkan pesawat dibulan dengan tehnologi computer.

Ralph Solecki, arkeolog yang menemukan penemuan yang sangat mengejutkan digua Shanidar Timur tengah pada tahun 1957. Pada saat penggalian tsb terkuak bukti-bukti bahwa peradaban manusia tidak menunjukan kemajuan seiring dengan perjalan waktu, melainkan malah menunjukan kemunduran.dari tahun 27.000 SM hingga 11.000 SM ditemukan bukti bahwa populasi manusia menyusut dan hamper punah dari seluruh area tsb selama masa 16.000 tahun. Lalu di titik 11.000 SM itulah muncul jenis Homo Sapiens yang langsung dan sekaligus membawa peradaban, budaya, dan tehnologi yang jauh lebih maju.

Lalu akan timbul pertanyaan dalam benak kita, “ apakah kita atau leluhur kita bisa mencapai peradaban dan tehnologi tsb dengan usaha sendiri atau ada campur tangan pihak lain, ( misalnya pewarisan) tehnologi dari peradaban lain yang lbh maju…?"

Misteri & Asal Mula DNA

DNA ( Dioxyribo Nucleic Acid ) sebagai susunan struktur dasar pembentuk kehidupan sudah dikenal dalam ilmu biologi dan genetika abad 20. Menjadi popular oleh ilmuwan pemenang Nobel Biologi bernama Francis Crick yang menemukan struktur double helix dari DNA. Melalui teorinya yang mencengangkan, yaitu Directed Panspermia pada tahun 1973. Crick mendeklarasikan “ kami sudah menemukan rahasia awal mula kehidupan” asumsi dasar teori tsb adalah berdasarkan bukti2 yang ditemukan dalam penelitiannya iya sampai pada satu kesimpulan bahwa “ ASAL MULA DNA BUKANLAH DARI BUMI ” melainkan dating dari suatu tempat diluar bumi. Crick menemukan bahwa asal mula bentuk kehidupan di dunia ini berasal dari sumber yang tunggal bukan dari sumber yang jamak. Dan dalam kasus DNA manusia unsur-unsur kimia pembentuknya justru lebih banyak terdiri dari unsur-unsur yang tidak banyak terdapat dibumi. Sungguh aneh memang jika DNA diasumsikan terjadi karena proses kimia dan fisika dibumi, kenapa justru DNA itu sendiri banyak mengandung unsur2 yang justru langka di bumi..

Hipotesis Crick :

1. Code genetic adalah indentik pada semua mahluk hidup
2. Bentuk2 kehidupan awal muncul secara tiba2 dibumi ini, tanpa asanya tanda2 eksistensi dari nenek moyang sebelumnya.

Mungkinkah DNA ini berasal dari luar bumi sana? Mungkin sekali dan sampai saat ini belum ada bantahan mengenai teori Crick ini, malah beberapa ilmuwan justru menguatkan teori tersebut. Dan DNA ini tidak mungkin terbawa secara tidak sengaja oleh komet atau meteor karena sesuatu yang hidup akan menglami kematian diperjalan tersebut. Kemungkina lain jg bahwa DNA ini di bawa dengan transfortasi khusus ke bumi dan siapapun yang membawanya kemudian melakukan penanaman genetic. Dan apakah munculnya Homo sapiens secara tiba2 akibat dari penanaman kode genetic ini….??

Are we alone?

Kisah2 mengenai UFO sudah sering ktia dengar, ribuan dokumnetasi dianggap hoax, tetapi bagaimana menjelaskan sebagian dari dokumentasi yang otentik..?

Saat ini proyek masa depannya ditujukkan untuk mengembangkan teknologi anti radar (Stealth Technology), pesawat pengintai tak berawak (UAVs or unmanned aerial vehicles) dan pesawat tempur (UCAVs, unmanned combat aerial vehicles), memungkinkan dapat menjelajah dengan kecepatan tinggi pada daerah jelajah yang sangat tinggi yang dikenal sebagai “ AURORA ”. Karena pesawat-pesawat ini tak berawak, maka pesawat ini dipercaya dapat digerakkan dengan kecepatan yang sangat dahsyat,. Dengan kata lain, manusialah yang benar-benar dapat membuat benda angkasa yang tak dikenal itu. Bersamaan dengan itu muncul lagi ide pengembangan pesawat angkasa X-33 yang secara teknologi belum dilakukan pengujian. Akan tetapi pesawat angkasa X-33 telah diyakini akan menjadi versi Aurora yang bersifat PUTIH (untuk kepentingan kedamaian).

Sejalan dengan penelitian pesawat tempur yang canggih, diperoleh pula data-data tentang adanya kehadiran mahluk angkasa yang menuju Bumi, yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Alien. Akhirnya sampailah kita pada suatu pertanyaan seberapa besar kemungkinan keberadaan Alien di alam semesta ini. Untuk hal itu, Area 51 telah terlibat dalam penyelidikan teknologi Alien. Berdasarkan isu yang santer dan dipercaya oleh banyak pakar, bahwa tim Area 51 telah menemukan dan menyelidiki secara rahasia reruntuhan UFO yang ditemukan di daerah Roswell, negara bagian New Mexico, Amerika Serikat, tahun 1947. Walau pun belum terdapat pembuktian yang jelas, beberapa pakar luar telah menduga bahwa ilmuwan Area 51 diklaim memiliki dan merawat satu mahluk Alien di suatu tempat yang sangat rahasia. Klaim tersebut diperkuat dengan pengakuan Bob Lazar seorang fisikawan, pada tahun 1989 bahwa dia telah bekerja disalah satu tempat penelitian yang berada pada daerah selatan Area 51 dan mengklaim bahwa Area 51 telah melakukan pengujian pesawat terbang yang luar biasa canggihnya dan juga telah melakukan komunikasi dengan Alien.

Keberadaan Alien di Area 51 ini menimbulkan suatu teori konspirasi yang merupakan hasil pengumpulan data dari reruntuhan pesawat Alien yang jatuh di Roswell dan pengakuan Bob Lazar pernah terlibat pada kegiatan tersebut, seperti pertemuan atau kontak dengan keadaan di angkasa dengan menggunakan peralatan secukupnya, pengembangan senjata berenergi sangat tinggi dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang secara luas di seluruh dunia. Berdasarkan isu yang beredar kegiatan teori konspirasi ini dilakukan di Danau Groom yang berada di sekitar lokasi Area 51. Namun sampai sejauh ini belum ada suatu penjelasan ilmiah yang gamblang dalam menjelaskan keberadaan Alien yang sesungguhnya.

Yes we made contact.!!

Pada tgl 16 Nov 1974 ketika proyek SETI milik NASA belum dimulai dan prouek radio teleskop Arecibo baru dimulai, saat itu dilakukan percobaanutk mengirimkan suatu pesan lewat radio teleskop Arecibo tsb berbentuk human template kea rah gugusan bintang Messier 13 yang terdiri dari 300.000 bintang dan berada di konstelasi Herkules.

Desain utkpesan tsb dibuat oleh Dr. Frank Drake dengan bantuan koleganya Dr. Carl Sagan, pesan ini dibuat dalam format bilangan biner 0 dan 1 sebanyak 1679 digit dan di konversi dalam format graphis dengan spasi kosong menunjukan 0 dan spasi blok menunjukan 1.

Dalam pesan ini termuat informasi mengenai bilangan 1 – 10 dalam kode biner, dibawahnya dibuat angka periodic dan unsur2 kimia pembentuk kehidupan, formula molekul DNA, lalu dikirimkan tinggi rata2 dan bentuk tubuh manusia, populasi planet bumi,posisi planet bumi sebagai planet ketiga dari matahari, dan gambar teleskop Arecibo sebagai sumber sinyal dicantumkan dalam pesan tersebut.

Setelah pesan tsb dikirimkan melalui sinyal teleskop Arecibo pada frekwensi 2380 MHz, dan mungkin sebagian ahli hamper melupakan pesan tersebut, karena baru 27 tahun kemudian muncul pola secara mengejutkan ( crop circle) diladang dekat teleskop Chilbolton pada tanggal 14 Agustus 2001 dan bentuk polanya amat mirip dengan pola pada pesan yang dikirimkan sebelumnya.

Pola pesan yang dikirimkan oleh Manusia.

The Alien Sun - Perhaps Slightly Smaller Than Our Own
2. The 4 Alien Home Worlds - Satellites Of A Massive Planet. These Four Satellites Are Elevated Indicating That They Are Inhabited.
3. The Alien "Jupiter" - The Massive Third Planet From The Alien Sun. Note That This Is A "Three Dot" Planet With The "Middle Dot" Missing Because This Planet Is Not Inhabited.
4. The Alien Height - 3'4".
5. The Alien Population Count - 21.3 billion.
6. The Alien Antenna Size (Emitting The 180 GHz Radiation) - 240 Meters

ini photo waktu kejadian Roswell bro....dmana pesawat alien jatuh dan di evakuasi oleh ini diambil dari film dokumenter yang mengabadikan proses otopsi alien yang tewas dalam kecelakaan tsb, dan segel dari wadah film tersebut otentik..

menurut berbagai artikel yang pernah gw baca, di area 51 itu bukan saja dihuni oleh ras manusia, tetapi juga banyak ras lain dari angkasa...

Dan kemajuan tehnologi usa yang melesat setelah perang dunia ke 2, diyakini karena alih tehnologi dari alien2 ini...sampai2 Rusia tertinggal jauh dan butuh waktu beberapa tahun utk mengejarnya, itu dengan bantuan orang2 amerika yang menjual data dan rahasia negaranya...

Cuma alih tehnologi ini bukan tidak ada imbalannya, sebagai imbalannya para alien ini berhak melakukan penculikan manusia, hewan utk kepentingan riset ( kt mereka sih ), manusia yang boleh diculik oleh para alien ini telah dibuatkan listnya oleh usa, dan tidak boleh melenceng dari list tsb, tetapi alien telah melanggar dan melakukan penculikan diluar kontrol....tercatat lebih dari 30.000 kasus penculikan.

Begitu juga dengan kasus mutilasi hewan ternak di Mexico..yang anehnya pada kasus mutilasi tsb, ditemukan potongan yang sangat rapi diantara sel-sel tubuh....tehnik pemotongan ini sangat maju, bahkan tehnik ini belum bisa dilakukan oleh dokter dibumi... gw kebayang kl dokter dibumi sudah bisa menggunakan tehnik pemotongan seperti ini, maka orang yang dioperasi tidak akan mengalami kerusakan jaringan...mungkin juga tidak akan berdarah dan berasa sakit kali ya...

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